
What does MSM do?

Collagen is the principal structural protein holding the skin together, with the fibrils of types I and III forming the mesh which is large- ly responsible for the skin’s mechanical proper- ties. Since the production of collagen types I and III in the skin tends to decline from about the age of 35 onwards, MSM can help improve skin condition by:

  • Protecting collagen against collagen de- grading enzymes.

  • Clincally proven to reduce fine lines & wrin- kles by boosting collagen and elastin pro- duction.

  • Acting as an anti-inflammatory agent by reducing the production of cytokines.

  • Maintaining skin cell membrane flexibility and permeability, promoting an efficient exchange of nutrients and waste products, to help keep skin clear.

  • MSM also helps in maintaining the body's crucial pH balance.

  • MSM is needed to detoxify the body. Amino acid chains are usually linked with each other through flexible sulphur bridges.

  • Boosts the natural production of Glu- tathione, the body's key cellular anti-oxi- dant, to boost the immune system and re- duce pigmentation and cellular damage.

  • Providing the body with the raw materials needed to create new cells, and to repair damaged ones.

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Sulphur is the forth most abundant mineral in the human body, present in every cell, with its greatest concentration in skin, hair and nails. Many people are likely to be eating a diet deficient in sulphur. That alone can cause initial skin symptoms. MSM is structurally and functionally important to 150 bodily com- pounds and processes, including the forma- tion of collagen, elastin, keratin and amino acids.

Where does it come from?

MSM originates in the oceans where micro- scopic plankton release sulphur compounds into seawater, which is quickly converted to DMS, a sulphur compound that escapes into the atmosphere. This suspended gaseous state reacts with sunlight to create MSM. MSM then falls to the earth with the rain, where it is col- lected and concentrated in plants.

OSKIA uses OptiMSMTM, the purest form of MSM. It is distilled four times for optimum pu- rity and is the only MSM supported by dou- ble-blind clinical research. It provides the body with the exact raw materials required for the production of collagen, elastin and keratin - a longer-lasting approach to promoting cell re- generation and renewal, leading to supple, stronger, healthier skin.